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There were in all 16 surveys launched for the global brain health survey. These were in different languages to try to capture as many respondents as possible, especially in Europe.




a tibble with 16 rows and 3 columns


#> # A tibble: 16 × 3
#>    form_id language           suffix
#>      <dbl> <chr>              <chr> 
#>  1  119161 spanish            sp    
#>  2  119157 catalan            cat   
#>  3  118017 french             fr    
#>  4  114338 english            en    
#>  5  119016 swedish            se    
#>  6  119773 danish             dk    
#>  7  117805 norwegian          no    
#>  8  119162 german             ge    
#>  9  121893 ukranian           ukr   
#> 10  116413 hungarian          hu    
#> 11  123887 italian            it    
#> 12  125552 dutch              du    
#> 13  135043 dutch              du    
#> 14  131674 simplified chinese ch    
#> 15  132336 turkish            tu    
#> 16  134157 english            en